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Katy Perry - The One That Got Away

See video


 Lyrics : 

Summer after high school when we first met

We make out in your Mustang to Radiohead 

And on my 18th Birthday 

We got that chain tattoos

Used to steal your parents' liquor 

And climb to the roof 

Talk about our future 

like we had a clue 

Never plan that one day 

I'd be loosing you 

And in another life 

I would be your girl 

We keep for our promises 

Be us against the world 

And in another life 

I would make you stay 

So I don't have to say 

You were the one that got away 

The one that got away 

I was dreaming you were my Johnny Cash 

Never one we got the other 

We made a pact 

Sometimes when I miss you 

I put those records on 

Someone said you had your tattoo removed 

Saw you downtown singing the blues

It's time to face the music 

I'm no longer your muse 

And in another life 

I would be your girl 

We keep full our promises 

Be us against the world 

And in another life 

I would make you stay 

So I don't have to say 

You were the one that got away 

the one that got away 

The one o o o on

The one o o o on 

The one o o o on

The one that got away 

All these money can't buy me a time machine

Can't replace you with a million rings

Shoulda told you what you meant to me 

Cause now I pay the price 

And in another life 

I would be your girl 

We keep for our promises 

Be us against the world 

And in another life 

I would make you stay 

So I don't have to say 

You were the one that got away 

The one that got away 

The one o o o on

The one o o o on 

The one o o o on

And in another life 

I would make you stay 

So I don't have to say 

You were the one that got away 



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